
How to Make the Transition from Hospital to Home Successful

August 30, 2022
hospital patient

Most hospital patients aren’t fully recovered when they leave — especially after surgery or a complex procedure. Although having them back at home is comforting and relieving, the transition period can be overwhelming. Your loved one’s recovery from hospital discharge to home is crucial, but they will need to adjust to certain factors such as environment,…

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National Wellness Month!

July 19, 2022
National Wellness month

August is National Wellness Month! National Wellness Month focuses on self-care and promoting healthy habits, including sleep, exercise, proper nutrition, and taking care of our mental state, like actively managing stress, practicing self-compassion, and engaging in meditation. The positive impact of wellness for seniors is something that cannot be overlooked. Physical wellness changes as you…

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What is Late Stage and End-of-Life Care

June 24, 2022

The final stage of life is challenging, even for caregivers with lots of experience. If your loved one is in their final days of life, the only gift you can give them is the best care to improve their comfort and quality of life.   End-of-life care involves acts of daily care and lots of…

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Senior Activities for Summer 2022

May 31, 2022

As you grow older, paying extra attention to your daily activities is an essential part of aging well. Seniors who go outside, cultivate new hobbies, develop new skills, and keep moving in retirement may actually live longer and healthier lives. Remaining socially and physically active also lowers the risk of depression and anxiety. Having every-day…

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Post-Surgery Home Care Tips to Promote a Smoother Recovery

April 19, 2022

Postoperative care is the care you receive after a surgical procedure. The type of postoperative care you need depends on the type of surgery you have, as well as your health history. It often includes pain management and wound care. Postoperative care begins immediately after surgery. It lasts for the duration of your hospital stay…

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Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

March 22, 2022
Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

An estimated 6.2 million people over the age of 65 are living with Alzheimer’s disease. This debilitating condition has no cure and preventative methods aren’t very effective (though scientists are always researching new options).  Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia. It causes a decline in memory and cognitive abilities, as well as severe mood changes. Once Alzheimer’s…

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Caregiver Services and Long-Term Insurance: Everything You Need to Know

February 15, 2022

Over half of all seniors require long-term care services by the time they turn 65. While there are multiple options for long-term care, adjusting to the bills and expenses of long-term care can be overwhelming. Many people are surprised to learn that health or medical insurance does not cover in home care, even if such services…

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5 Reasons to Consider At-Home Care in SWFL

January 14, 2022

More than 65 million Americans juggle the daily demands of work, home, children and caring for someone they love. Managing a busy life and taking on the role of deciding wellness decisions for a loved one can be overwhelming. Some people try to work out care schedules with friends and family members. Others may believe…

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Chronic Pain Assistance at Home: Helping Seniors Manage Pain

December 13, 2021

Did you know it’s estimated that 20.4% of adults in the United States live with chronic pain? Managing chronic pain on your own can be difficult enough, but it’s even trickier for people trying to assist in pain management for their elderly loved ones.  Chronic pain in older adults is a serious issue, but it’s one that…

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Boost Immune System Health in Elderly Seniors

November 1, 2021

As we age, our immune response capability becomes reduced, making us prone to more infections and life-threatening diseases. Respiratory infections, including, influenza, COVID-19 and pneumonia are a leading cause of death in people over 65. It is extremely important, now more than ever, to protect and boost our immune system by choosing a healthy lifestyle.…

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